01 December 2012

Indonesia Main Target Malware

Indonesia Main Target Malware

Nearly 100 percent, exactly 98% of crime in the Asia Pacific Information Technology addressed to Indonesia. As a result of these malware attacks, many companies are losing their business data.

In Indonesia, there were up to 54% data loss. This was disclosed by the research Kaspersky in 2012 during a press conference on the mat last Indocomtech 2012.

After Indonesia, another country which is also the purpose of the crime in the Asia Pacific region is India 97%, China and Singapore 92%, and Australia 90%. For the amount of missing data, India holds the record with 66% of data loss company.

Followed by China 41%, Singapore 29%. While Australia managed to ward off malware attacks largely to the country with only 24% of data loss.

Based on research by Kaspersky in July 2012, shows that in the last two years, the crime rate increased IT. About 57 percent in Asia Pacific and 52 percent globally. These results are based on a 3300 survey of enterprises in 22 countries, as well as the 1056 respondents in nine countries in Asia Pacific.

In a note Kapersky, in 2011 more than 70,000 unique malware per day. While in 2012, soaring so 125,000 unique malware found each day.

"The threat of malware in a virtual environment of rapidly increasing malware threats only 1 per minute to 1 threat per second," says Dony Koesmandarin, Kaspersky Lab's Business Development Manager for South East Asia.

"We want to educate the public that when using the gadget, we should also pay attention to the protection of data held," added Dony. No wonder, because the data theft both personal and company are most frequently targeted by malware. (Source: PCplus)

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